
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Δεκέμβριος, 2017

Enjoy the Philharmonic Οrchestra of Heraklion (VIDEO)

This is definitely an amazing orchestra always playing the music in a unique way.  These festive days,  the Philharmonic Οrchestra of Heraklion fills up all the main streets of the city, with its Christmas muddles. It's really worth listening to it, even through a video! I wish you a Η appy New Year., hoping that 2018, will be full of health, joy and creation for all of us. After all, remember of what Einstein had said: “A quiet and modest life brings more joy from the pursuit of success which causes constant disruption”. photo patris

The New Year's Day customs of Crete (VIDEO)

On New Year's Eve, the traditional carols are sung, while many Cretans use to welcome the new year with fireworks and aerial shots, the so-called “mpalothies”. In the morning of the New Year’s Day and as the bells ring, they all go to church (especially in villages). After the church,, each of them brings a stone to his house, as a symbol of good fortune (the bigger the stone the better  the fortune will be). Another New Years'  Day custom on the island, is the breaking of a pomegranate at the entrance of the house and the “askeletoura”.   “Askeletoura”, is a wild plant growing on the Cretan mountains and looks like a big onion. As this plant continues to grow new leaves even when it is uprooted, the locals believe that its vital force can be transmitted to them. So they hang it in their homes. Though, this ancient custom of good luck dating back to the 6th century is still preserved in many regions throughout Greece. 

Crete from above (VIDEO)

Sometimes in our lives we cannot find the appropriate words to describe the greatness of what we see. Words are poor in front of the view of this place that embraces everything in it.  The sea meeting the steep, imposing rocks, the bright sky…

The Cave of St. John (Agios Ioannis) the Hermit

The cave of Agios Ioannis is located on a beautiful mountaintop, in the area of Marathokefala, just 25 km west of the city of Chania. It was named after the residence of St. John the Hermit, as well as the 15th-century so called church, which is in it. Bright and imposing, the cave has a capacity of 3,000-4,000 people and an incredible view of the plain of Kolymbari. A marble head as well as the marble statue of a child ((kept in the parish museum) were found in the cave, so it is believed that it had been an early Christian location of worship. There is also a small place in it, that due to tradition was used as a hidden school for the Christians. Every year, on October 6-7, the feast of St. John the Hermit is celebrated in the chapel, while, on December 24, the representation of the Birth of Christ takes place in a real nativity scene.

The "Santa Run" in Chania

With good weather and even better mood, over 3,500 people from Chania as well as visitors, crossed a section of the city center passing through the Old Port and ending in the courtyard of the 1st Gymnasium of Chania where a party was about to take place. Thousands of Santa Claus enjoyed the treats offered by the city's shopkeepers, while the mayor of Chania, Tasos Vamvoukas, was present at the event and sent his own message of solidarity. The profits from the event go to the institutions of Chania, dealing with children who have health problems. Photos by zarpanews.gr

When nature celebrates

Look at these amazing pictures, taken from the Cretan mounts, on Christmas Day. Photos by e-kriti

An angel came down (SONG)

With my best wishes to all of you, i dedicate one my favorite Christmas songs. Be happy!

Listen to the Cretan Christmas Carol


The traditional Kalitsounia

Kalitsounia or kaltsounia, started to be made many years ago as an Easter candy in Crete, but nowadays are made all year round by fresh Myzithra. They usually have either a square shape, called “anevata” or the shape of an oil lamp. There are various recipes of making them from place to place on the island. The feeling is salty or sweet with or without mint and the preparation of the dough is made by different ways, but usually with yeast. “Anevata” or “Stiaka” kalitsounia are preserved more by putting them unbaked in the freezer. The secret of their tasty are the fresh Cretan cheeses, abundant in Crete, the Xinomyzithra the anthotyros and the tyromalama. The visitor can taste them in many restaurants or taverns as well as in the Cretan houses in which housewives use them as a treat.

Christmas on the island of Crete (PICTURES)

Two days before Christmas, and Crete is decorated all over.  Its towns, its villages full of flashing lights  emiting warmth and a sense of expectation for better days to come, while the smell of melted sugar and all kinds of sweets is filling the clear winter atmosphere.    Heiraklio Chania Rethymno Agios Nikolaos

Cretan reciipe for "orange - pie"

The Cretans know how to live every day with passion. Lovers of enjoyment and taste, have a very special cooking and pastry, with delicious recipes. A quite popular sweet in Crete, is the so-called orange - pie. The orange pie is made with many different recipes, but the following is the most popular on the island. I share it with you in case you want to try it out! Materials for the pie: 3/4 cup of olive oil of very good quality 4 eggs 1 cup of sugar 3 vanillas 2 orange zest 1 cup of yogurt ½ kilo of very thin dough sheet 1 baking (3.5 teaspoons) 3 tablespoons of orange jam (or other citrus fruit) Materials for the syrup: 1.5 Sugar The juice of the two oranges we used for the zest, filled with water to have 2 cups of liquid. 1 cinnamon stick 5 cm How to make the pie You mix up the oil with the eggs and the sugar until they become a homogeneous mixture. Then you add yoghurt, vanilla, zest, baking, jam and beat again to dissolve yoghu

The Cretan Knife – A symbol of Crete

The Cretan Knife is definitely the symbol of the island of Crete with a long history dating from the Minoan era. For Cretans their knife is a symbol of honor. It is made of steel blade and the handle is covered by animal horn, which in many cases is decorated with various motifs.  Its case is wooden or leather. Characteristic of the Cretan knife is the end of its V-shaped handle, the engraved “mandinades” (verses) on its blade as well as the shape of the cross on the top of the case. Nowadays it is still used by all Cretan traditional dance clubs around the world, combined with the Cretan costume. 

Tsikoudia made in Crete

Tsikoudia, is the most famous Cretan drink, worldwide. Although its roots are found in Ancient Greece, the first permission of its distillation was given by Eleftherios Venizelos (Prime Minister of Greece) in the 1920s. Tsikoudia, the so called “raki” in the island, is a pure drink produced from the remains of the must after the wine production while its production, takes place during autumn. Many producers also make tsikoudia with various fruity flavors (froutoraki) or a tsikoudia with honey (rakomelo). It is certainly the symbol – drink of the Cretans, offering it as a treat in all occasions. 

The wealth of Crete

Crete is an island, which apart from its rich history and tradition, is famous for the production of many different products of exceptional quality. In Crete, there is a great growth in poultry and livestock farming, in beekeeping, in snail breeding, while large quantities of fish are caught from the Cretan Sea on a daily base. On the Cretan mountains, a wide variety of herbs are grown, in excellent soil as well as climatic conditions. There is also endless land with aloe, olive trees, producing top quality olive oil and vineyards with the grapes of which are made many varieties of wines, known worldwide. Becides on Crete are growing, all kinds of vegetables and various fruits such as bananas, avocados, prickly pears, watermelons, melons etc. So, anyone who visits the island never forgets the experience of Cretan flavors.

The Cretan Lyre and its “soul” (VIDEO)

The sound of each musical instrument is distinct. In any case, it soothes the soul and the spirit, giving pleasure and good mood. Τ he melody of the Cretan lyre, is unique and known all around the world.  Whenever an artist of the Cretan music catches the bow, the tradition of Crete, directly interwoven with the Cretan lyre, "wakes up" and becomes dance and song. The Cretan’s lyre history is lost in the depths of the years, as always it was accompanying, and still does, the inhabitants of the island, in both, their joys and sorrows. The Cretan lyre is believed that has been brought to Crete, by the Arabs, who remained as conquerors on the island, from 823-961 AD. According to another version, the existence of the lyre in Crete, is coming from Constantinople, by the army of Nikiphoros Phokas, in the years 1101-1200 AD. As the history has shown, there is no evidence of using another name, for this particular musical instrument. The lyre in its first

The magic of white Psiloritis waiting for Christmas (VIDEO)

A few days remain until Christmas and the mountain of Psiloritis has turned into white from the first snow. Without any lights and without any touching of the human hand, nature adorned the proud mountain in the most beautiful way. I’ d like to share with you, a walk on the snowy mountain, through a very beautiful video taken by a professional.

A few days before Christams in Crete

Ten days before Christmas and the weather continues to be almost summer although the island is adorned and the Christmas mood is diffused into the atmosphere. Going for a coffee in Agios Nikolaos, what I saw was a dream. Reaching there,  the view of the whole town with its magnificent lagoon, makes you feel like entering a painting, becoming a part of it. Agios Nikolaos is one of the most picturesque cities in eastern Crete and literally an ornament in the bay of Merambello. Wherever I look I see green pine trees that throw their shadow into the lake turning the waters into blue-green. How quiet is this city now in winter, while during summer is bustling with life and offers unforgettable holidays. With its splendid beaches ( Α lmyros, Ammudi…), the beautiful hiking routes it offers and the opportunity to visit many sights such as Panagia Kera, Monastery of Faneromeni..., is an ideal destination for all tastes. Agios Nikolaos,  has its own harbor and is connecte

Τhe dream of Chania

Enjoy a very tender song for Chania!

Another sunny day in Crete!

A beautiful winter day and I wish I had a chance to go for a walk in Chania. Chania is at a distance of approximately two hours from Heraklion and with a population of about 160.000 people, is the second largest city in the island. Chania has an airport, a harbor and excellent tourist infrastructure, with hotels, shops, restaurants, as every year they receive a very large number of visitors. It is a beautiful modern city, while the old town with its stone-built alleys is exceptionally atmospheric for an afternoon walk or for an evening excursion. Chania is one of the oldest cities in Crete with a rich history. It is a city that has preserved its traditional architecture and most of its monuments since the time of the Venetians and the Turks. The Venetian harbor, the Naval Museum and the Firkas fortress, Yali Mosque, the Turkish mosque in the Venetian harbor of Chania, the Venizelos Tombs, just outside the city with a magnificent view of Chania are only some of t


Rethymnon is located on the northern coast of Crete. Ι t is the capital of the homonymous prefecture and the third largest city in the island, with a population of about 50.000. It has a great tourist activity during the summer, while the more than 10.500 active students make the city alive even during the rest of the year. Today's city is built in the same location as ancient Rithymna, while the part of the old town is one of the most well-preserved Venetian cities that one can visit. In Rethymnon  is the famous Fortezza fortress, the church of the Lady of the Angels, the church of St. Frangiskos and many other buildings, mosques and monasteries that witness the passage of the Venetians and the Ottomans from Crete. The town has a long sandy beach and strong hotel infrastructure. Rethymnon is connected with many daily bus itineraries with Heraklion and Chania, while it has a new, modern port with itineraries to and from Piraeus. Though some things are

The city of Heraklion

Heraklion or Chandakas, as you might encounter it in older historical book, is the capital of Crete, with a population of over 250.000 inhabitants. Heraklion has the second largest airport in Greece, with daily flights to and from all over the world throughout the year . It also has the second largest harbor of the country, with daily sailings from and to the port of Peraeus, as well as other magical islands of the Aegean sea.  It has nothing to jealous of what a big city offers, as life in it is flowing with intense rhythms fully integrated into the modern times. Α ctually, the  magic of this city lies in the fact that while it is so modern it keeps its picturesque character, something that the visitor finds out by exploring it through paved streets of the past times.  At this point it is worth mentioning the magnificent exhibits of the Minoan civilization in the archaeological museum, which is in the center of the city and is open all the year round, as well as ma

A few words about Crete

Crete, is the largest greek island, located in the heart of the Mediterranean sea and between three continents. Ιt is a rich place in every respect. From its history, monuments, culture, and the feelings of its inhabitants to the production of its products Cretan landscape is full of contrasts, as the visitor can see and enjoy the sea, the snowy mountains, lakes, rivers, waterfalls, canyons and anything else he can imagine and wish for. The largest cities of the island are Heraklion, Chania, Rethymnon, and Agios Nikolaos, while there are many towns and thousands of picturesque villages, that one can visit and spend unique moments. The island's flora is full of beautiful plants and trees, many of which are endemic. The coasts of the island are simply endless and for every taste. Sandy, rocky, with shallow or deeper, warm or cooler waters. Organized beaches as well as quiet isolated bays are all around. The climate is mild and sunny, most of the time, maki

Trip on Unique Creta

I' d like to wellcome everyone to my new blogspot. Introducing my self... I was born in Athens and lived there until my 46 years of age, but during the last four years, i live in Heraklion, the capital of Crete. I can honestly tell you that  the way of living on the island is totally different . Crete, seems to me like a paradise on earth. Everything here gives me a sense, like i am on holidays, all year round. So, i invite anyone interesting to join me on this special trip. A. Kilitzian

Inrcedible Hospitality


Crete: See for your self
