
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Φεβρουάριος, 2018

Diving in the magic of the Cretan sea

Crete is one of the largest islands in the Mediterranean with an endless coastline, so there is no doubt that its seabed is an ideal destination for diving enthusiasts. It is worth mentioning that in the Cretan sea, apart from the big variety of plants and marine species, there are also caves and wrecks to be explored. On the island there are many diving centers with multilingual staff ready to assist you during and after your diving. Diving enthusiasts will be able to experience diving in the Cretan sea, by experts fully equipped and organized. Getting married in the seabed of Crete!

“Kourtaliotiko” gorge and the"Palm trees beach"

Kourtaliotiko Gorge is located 22 km south of the city of Rethymnon. The Gorge”, took its name from the sound the wind makes as it passes through the cavities of rocks creating whistles that remind of castanets. It’s 7 km long, and crossing it is quite difficult. The Kourtaliotis Gorge, following the name of the river, starts from the village of Koxare, ending on the beautiful beach of Preveli. Its landscape is wild with rich flora and fauna and divided into five streams that join together forming small lakes and a large waterfall. It’s consisted of enormous rocks full of small caves as its rocky slopes reach at 600 meters. To the west of Kourtaliotis River, you can see the "Kato Preveli Monastery", dedicated to the John the Baptist and  the "Piso Monastery of Preveli", which has a particular historical value and played an important role in all the liberation struggles of the Cretan revolution, while at the end of the gorge there is a tropical lake-li

Cretan Snails - The so called “Chochlioi”

A very famous cretan dish is “chochlioi boubouristoi”, meaning snails fried in the pan, with vinegar and oregano or rosemary. The chochlioi of Crete have been famous, as they stand out growing free and not in farms,  and with no human intervention. Their collection takes place late at night or early in the morning when it is wet (usually early spring). People who collect them many times have to climb even on steep mountain peaks to find the purest snails nature produces. These snails found on the island’s mountains, are fed by thyme and other bushy plants, thus maintaining their purity. The demand for the chochlioi of Crete, which are an important source of protein, is great all over the world. Thus, livestock units have been built up on the island, where they are fed and grown in special facilities. Though I don’t eat them, I must admit that they are healthy and the favorite gourmet dish of many locals as well as visitors.